Reader's Corner No. 40: Punctuation, 5 Types of Animation, and Branch Prediction in CPU's

We have hopefully had our last day of 90 degree weather for the year, and are looking forward to Fall. We have a few topics to share with you this week: the importance and history of punctuation, the 5 types of animation, and branch prediction in CPU's in the 90s.

The Loveliest Living Fossil

David Gouch

Source: Hoefler & Co

Takeaway: An ode to the symbols on the keyboard that aren’t letters or numbers yet help us communicate all the same: punctuation. This piece just walks through some symbols that have fallen out of use as well as traces the changes in meaning they can acquire.

Tags: #Typography

The 5 Types of Animation

Jeanette Larsen

Source: Bloop Animation

Takeaway: This is a brief but thorough explation about the 5 main types of animation: traditional, 2D, computer animation, motion graphics, and stop motion. It is interesting to see many examples and to learn about frames and various skills required for each type.

Tags: #Animation

A history of branch prediction from 1500000 BC to 1995

Jay Roberts

Source: Dan Luu

Takeaway: Dan Luu provides a nice overview of branch prediction strategies implemented in CPUs through the 90s. As web developers we may be working at the top of a very tall stack, but it's still important to understand the metal at the bottom.

Tags: #CPUs

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