I always enjoyed superhero comic books as a kid. I especially loved Spider-Man. The fun, joy, and feeling that this could be a job l love to do motivated me to pursue design as a vocation. Working in corporate settings doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy design. Let’s talk about why.
When developing your brand strategy, the color of your logo should not be taken lightly. Every color triggers a unique emotional effect in our subconscious mind, so it is important to make sure the connotations behind the colors in your brand style guide correlate with the message you are trying to convey to your customers.
In honor of DesignHammer’s 20th Anniversary, we thought it would be neat to ask the DesignHammer team what they thought the DesignHammer logo represented.
Following up on our previous DesignHammer logo interpretation blog post, Part 2 of this mini-series provides an overview of what the word "DesignHammer" means to each of our staff members.