The highly anticipated 2019 Full Frame Documentary Film Festival in Durham has come and passed, but have no fear, DesignHammer is here to catch you up with what you missed out on! Go ahead and check out what our team had to say about their favorite films!
We're covering a wide variety of topics in this edition! Read on to keep up with new grammar rules, the pace of change in web development, and learn how to transform old cursive handwriting into a digital font.
Take a look at the DesignHammer staff's favorite underground film picks and the reasons why they think you should give their film a watch!
Employee submissions of the day include learning from design failures, some tips for living a productive life, and a high-level, metaphysical reanalysis of standard physics methodologies commonly used to explain our universe.
If you've ever been curious about how password managers work, thought about switching from the paid Google Maps API to an alternative service, or have been suspicious of cryptocurrency security...this is the Reader's Corner for you!
The topic of conversations this Thursday include political marketing design, AI bugs in gaming, and user-interface design.